9 maps en 6 gamemodi beschikbaar bij lancering van Battlefield 1

Aangepast: 1 januari 2018 00:00

Inmiddels heeft DICE onthuld dat Battlefield 1 bij lancering negen maps en zes gamemodi bevat. In juli werden diverse details al uitgelekt. Nu blijkt de desbetreffende Redditor er niet ver naast te zitten, want veel van de genoemde details vind je één op één terug in onderstaande lijst. Overigens voegt DICE in december nog één map gratis toe, waarmee het totaal op tien uit komt.

The Battlefield 1 maps
- Ballroom Blitz: Here, fierce fighting in trench lines is quickly replaced by the untouched beauty beyond hell. A massive French chateau, previously home to officers beyond the rear lines, is now the scene for a battle with both tanks and flamethrowers.
- Argonne Forest: The shadowy depths of the Argonne forest is the scene for some of the most brutal close quarter combat in Battlefield 1. The world inside this forest features devious defensive setups combined with a labyrinth of bunkers and machine gun nests.
- Fao Fortress: Join one of the earliest amphibious landings of the Great War as the British Empire struggles to secure the oil on the Al-Faw Peninsula. Here you will fight through marshlands and dunes, over bridges and shallow coves.
- Suez: Even though it was considered impossible, the Ottomans crossed the desert of Sinai and threatened the canal. Join the fight by the banks of the grand canal and make tactical use of the dunes. Fight through shallow defenses, with field guns or mortars, through the outskirts of Kantara and into the deep desert beyond.
- The St. Quentin Scar: Prepare for truly cataclysmic assaults as you push through the trenches of the St. Quentin Scar. Be the first soldier to break through the fortified lines and assault the pristine village of Travecy, untouched by the war until now.
- Sinai Desert: Engage in all-out war in Sinai Desert, a scorching hot battlefield located just East of El-Jifar. From infantry skirmishes in the narrow streets of the village of Bir el Mazar to dogfights above the majestic cliffs, you'll need to make tactical use of the dunes as you engage in explosive battles.
- Amiens: A destructive clash in a majestic city. Fight on the streets and squares in French city of Amiens during the German spring offensive. A struggle in crumbling alleys, a courthouse, around bridges and railways where the British and the Germans desperately seek to control the depths of the city.
- Monte Grappa: High up above the clouds a desperate fight for control of mountain forts are challenging even the toughest soldiers. Utilize the massive fort cannons to stop the advancing enemies as they scale the mountainside. Up here, in this furious struggle, the Austro Hungarian Empire holds the upper hand, but the Italian Army won't stop until they've taken back what's theirs.
- Empire's Edge: A rugged but fortified shore becomes the battlefield for an empire under siege. What was once a beautiful Mediterranean village by the coast is now transformed by mechanized war, where waves and dreadnought battleships pound the remains of Italy's Great War.
- Giant's Shadow (december): Prepare to take part in the Battle of the Selle in the cold autumn of 1918. Here, the fighting moves out of the trenches and into open country where a massive crashed airship casts its shadow onto the battlefield. The British forces have broken through the Hindenburg line and are now in pursuit towards an important railway center.

The Battlefield 1 modes
- Conquest
- Domination
- Operations
- Rush
- War Pigeons
- Team Deathmatch

Veel van de beschikbare gamemodi zijn vanzelfsprekend, zoals Team Deathmatch en Domination. Daarentegen is War Pigeons erg verrassend. In de Eerste Wereldoorlog werden duiven gebruikt om elkaar berichten door te geven. In de modus War Pigeons dien je de duiv te vangen, naar een veilige locatie te brengen en vervolgens los te laten. Zodra de duif wegvliegt, worden jouw vijanden geraakt door een luchtaanval.

Battlefield 1 is vanaf 21 oktober verkrijgbaar voor de pc, PlayStation 4 en Xbox One

Bron: WCCFTech
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