De verwachte levenscyclus van de PS4 volgens Sony

Aangepast: 1 januari 2018 00:00

De verwachte levenscyclus van de PlayStation 4 volgens Sony kan wel eens de PlayStation 3 gaan passeren. De PlayStation 3 is inmiddels al acht jaar oud en de vraag is wanneer deze console niet meer geproduceerd zal worden. Men was nieuwsgierig naar de verwachte houdbaarheid van de PlayStation 4 en Sony Computer Entertainment president, Andrew House, had hier een uitgebreid antwoord op:

In terms of the console life cycle of the platform, I think it's extremely hard to judge in the first year on the platform, as to whether this will be smaller, bigger or in line with previous lice cycles. What I can say is that all of the early indicators have been extremely good. I'm sure you've seen yourself that sales of PlayStation 4 in its first year on the market are significantly autpacing those of PlayStation 2.

That being said, again in the spirit of taking a conservative and reasonable view of our business outlook, we are very conscious of the fact that in contrast to say, the PlayStation 2 lifecycle, consumers are now faced with a panoply of different choices and devices on which they can play games. We have to feel that that will have some impact on the life cycle overall.

Again. Not giving hard numbers, but the best guidance that I think I can offer based on the landscape that we see right now, is that we have high hopes that the PlayStation 4 will exceed the overall life cycle of PlayStation 3. It remains a significant question mark as to whether this will approach or exceed that of PlayStation 2.

Wat gokken jullie? Zal de PlayStation 4 sowieso langer ondersteund worden dan acht jaar? Of zullen we al sneller met de opvolger te maken krijgen?

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