Screenshots: GTA V beantwoordt vragen en heeft nieuwe screens

Aangepast: 1 januari 2018 00:00

Rockstar is altijd heel zuinig als het gaat om nieuwe informatie over de games die ze uitbrengen, en met Grand Theft Auto V is dat natuurlijk niet anders. Toch heeft de uitgever onlangs de tijd genomen om wat vragen vanuit de community over de nieuwste GTA te beantwoorden. Daarnaast zijn er ook twee nieuwe screenshots van de game uitgegeven, die je helemaal onderaan dit bericht terug kunt vinden.

De vragen en antwoorden komen van de Newswire van Rockstar Games, en zijn hieronder terug te lezen.

Hoe gaat het met GTA V?

We are very busy working on the game! Everything is going well, but the game is a huge project. We should have more information and some new assets for you soon.

Waarom geven jullie ons niet wat meer nieuws?

As we have said before, we have often had long gaps between asset releases on previous games and will continue to do so in the future. We are sorry if you find this frustrating, but please understand, we don't do this because we 'don't care about our fans' 'don't respect our fans' 'hate GTA fans etc' - precisely the opposite! We do it because we want to make sure we only release 100% correct information, and because we want to keep plenty back for the actual game release so there are still lots of surprises when you play it. The only things we care about are that you enjoy the experience of actually playing the game and that we release accurate information. We just have not been in a position to show more of the game than the trailer and will not be for a while yet. We did, however, manage to sneak a quick screenshot out for you it's not much, but we thought it was pretty fun.

In deze video wordt beweerd dat het gaat om 'lichttesten' van GTA V. Kunnen jullie dit bevestigen?

Now that we've announced GTAV, all the way up until game launch (and probably beyond) there is going to be no shortage of non-stop hoaxes, faked footage and screens, rampant rumors and speculation. As a rule, we are not going to get into the game of confirming or denying each of these as they happen as there is simply too much of it. Half of them we don't even understand - for example, we have no idea what 'the build model' is, so have no idea if it is complete or not! Instead, we'll leave it to fans like yourselves to decide what's legit and what's phony. Please assume if you don't hear it here, it is probably mostly fakes and almost definitely not the complete truth.

One thing we'll say definitively though is - there is absolutely no 'bèta' test for the game. If you see ads or solicitations to join a bèta program, beware as this could be a dodgy online phishing scam. Your best bet is to only trust information as official if you're seeing it announced here at the Rockstar Newswire.

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Packshot Grand Theft Auto V


Rockstar Games



Pc, Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, Xbox One


17 september 2013


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